
Friday, 24 February 2012

The many angles of a wargamer

I borrow this from Grog News blog, I found it particularly funny

Talking about which, are you rally open with your friends, relatives and work colleagues about your hobby?


  1. Very, very true about us and yes I tell everyone including my area manager...

  2. That is amazing - and so true!

    I like the 'spouse' one. Never a truer word...

  3. Yeah, my spouse knows, my colleagues know (some of them are gamers too), my relatives know, but really doesn't understand it.

  4. Love the graphic. Very true. I am very selective of who I tell about my wargaming to. The wife knows and is rather tolerant. Some of my friends know. The lady from the mail room asked me yesterday, "What is in all of these small packets you keep getting from England?" So now she knows as well. Most of the inlaws don't as they think I am odd enough for liking history as it is.

  5. I tell anyone who asks. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest to tell anyone about it. Whether they understood it is another question entirely!

  6. My friends and relatives always thought I was a sort of strange guy so I don't bother about it!
    Best regards

  7. That's very funny. Thanks for sharing it Annibal.

    I don't mind telling my army friends about my hobby because they usually think its cool and they are my most likely recruits. With my friends in the civilial world, especially church friends, I am more careful, though a clergy friend of mine shyly admitted to me recently that he loves toy soldiers and came over for a game last week.

    My wife sighs a lot. I keep telling her it would cost me more if I played golf, but I am not sure that's really true. :)

  8. So true!! I tell most people that know me, about what I get up to.

  9. I tell people who enquire I play wargames with miniature figures, its a bit like an ehanced, complicated version of Chess, hopefully they then think I'm not just playing with toy soldiers! Who cares what they think anyway!

  10. Brilliant. Just became my computer screensaver.

  11. Thanks for your comments. What about me? Well, I tend to be very quiet about mu hobby, specially in my working environment. Only very close friends know (impossible to hide my boxes, painting tools and tons of figures all around, when they come for dinner at home!) and then I have a very receptive wife and daughter (... I've never complaint when I open their clothes and shoes wardrobes...) and an increasingly interested 12 years-old boy (although the Wii and the DSI are very hard competitors...)
