
Thursday, 5 April 2012

Battle for Liberation Published

A good kick-start for my Easter Holidays (extending from Thursday to Sunday here in Madrid), TooFatLardies has just released the first handbook of its IABSM company-sized WWII wargames rules called the "Battle for Liberation", covering the main armies of the Western Front from 1943 to the end of the war.

The book has a beautiful lay-out and is highly informative, including all the necessary information to compose the key forces for a game (companies and armoured platoons), attached support elements, very useful advice to build the card deck for each nationality and some interesting historical background. Being a shameless fan of the TFL factory I cannot recommend more both the rules and this first handbook, although the latter may be of great assistance too for other non-TFL mainstream WWII rule-sets (...and at GBP10, a fraction of the price usually charged for their supplements).

I found of particular interest the organizations of the French and Italian armies in this period of the war as well as those of other nationalities (Poles, Canadians...) usualling fighting within the British Army umbrella.
The index of this 99 page work is as follows.

British & Commonwealth Forces

The Rifle Company
The Reconnaissance Squadron
The Tank Brigade Squadron
The Armoured Division
The Motor Company
The Parachute Company
The Airlanding Company
The Commando Assault Troop
79th Armoured Division
Rating Your British Forces
British Armoury
British Weapon Rules
United States Forces The Rifle Company 
The Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop 
The Tank Company 
The Armored Rifle Company 1943
 The Armored Rifle Company 1944
 The Ranger Company
 The Parachute Rifle Company
 The Glider Rifle Company 
Rating Your US ForcesUnited States Armory
 US Weapon Rules
French Forces

 Compagnie de Fusiliers-Voltigeurs 
Compagnie d’Infanterie Portee
 Escadron de Chars
 Escadron de Reconnaissance
 Commando du Choc
 Gouniers Marocain
 Milice Centain 
French Forces of the Interior
 Rating Your French Forces

German Forces 
Grenadier Kompanie 
Volksgrenadier Kompanie 
Panzer Kompanie
 Panzer Grenadier Gepanzerte Kompanie
 Panzer Grenadier Kompanie
 Aufklarungs Kompanie
 Panzerspah Kompanie 
Fielding German AFVs
 Luftwaffe Jager Kompanie 
Fallschirmjager Kompanie 
Volksturm Kompanie
 Gebirgsjager KompanieRating 
Your German ForcesGerman Armoury
 German Weapon Rules 

Italian Forces 
Compagnia Fucilieri 
Camice Nere 
Corpo Italiano di Liberazione
 Compagnie Fucilieri 1944-45
 Esercito Nazional Repubblicano 
“Quattro Divisione”Compagnia 
Partigiana “Brigata”
 Antipartigiana Compagnia 
Rating Your Italian Forces
 Italian ArmouryItalian Weapon Rules
Death from Above - Tactical Air Support 1943-45
Smoke with the 2" mortar - British weapon rules
Supply in Aibrone Operations - Rules for this key issue

 And these are a couple of sample pages

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