
Friday, 18 May 2012

Bovington Museum - WWII German Material

In this second post of our visit to the Bovington Tank Museum, I will post a slection of the photos taken to the museum's German AFVs collection, one of the most impressive I have ever seen (although in fact, the whole Museum is  amazing). Hope you enjoy this photo show.


The Panzer history in images...

Other materials...

The tank hunters...


  1. Great photos, thank you. Looking forward to a visit to Bovington, hopefully next year.

    1. At least once in this life, any faithful wargamer should visit Bovington

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, I got a lot more plus my friend's pics; it was difficult to choose

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray, not as good as your painting in anyt case

  4. Lo alucinante es que muchos de los carros están operativos. Fue toda una sorpresa. Los carros ligeros no eran tan ligeros y los pesados nunca imagine que fueran tan grandes.
    No es lo mismo verlos y hacerlos a escala, al natural son impresionantes

  5. Great photos, although if anyone wanting to use them as reference I do see some problems with the colours. Some of the tanks have been repainted, I think, so it's hard to judge it's real colour.

  6. Super photos (I have my own of all these vehicles), thank you for posting.

  7. Nice pics.
    I guess you had a very good time there.
    And you all success in hiding the geeky excitement on your faces...

    Thanks for the post.

    Yours, Pollok_Feroz.

  8. Thanks for sharing!

    Nice pics.

  9. Nice pics; impressive pieces of history. Dean

  10. I love this museum (as you've probably guessed from the pics on my own blog). Great photo's and glad you enjoyed it.
