
Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Dux Britanniarum: pre-order period open

Exciting news this afternoon as the TooFatLardies Yahoo Group confirmed that Dux Britanniarum, the new Arthurian period rules-set, is to be launched by July 30th as initially planned. The TFL website is now open for pre-orders. You have two options, the hard-copy only (GBP 20) and the "bundle" (GBP25) including in addition to the hard copy book, a 62 cards-set, a tablet-navigating electrconic version (or a simple pdf, at the buyer's choice) and a special Arthur 28mm figure.

The game description from the website:

Dux Britanniarum is a set of rules for wargaming and campaigning in the Age of Arthur. Covering the period 450AD to 600AD the rule book combine all you need to fight tabletop games and to run a virtually paper-free campaign. 

The rules are designed to be played with relatively small forces. A Saxon starter Army is just 38 figures, a British starter army is only 44 figures, both of which can be purchased from our web site in 28mm although the rules play just as well with larger or smaller figures. Forces are grouped into six figures for most warriors and four figures for skirmish and missile troops or cavalry. The tabletop rules are D6 based and simple to use, with the single page playsheet on the rear cover of the rules covering 99% of situations. Activation is determined by a speedy card driven system where all units get to act in any single turn. 

Included with the rules is an A3 pull out map of Britian in around 450AD which provides the background setting to the Dux Britanniarum campaign. Your characters start their campaign as a Saxon Lord or a Romano-British Tribune and will attempt to gain fortune and reputation on the battlefield as you fight to defend or conquer a Romano-British kingdom. Included with the rules are four detailed maps which together cover moderd Britain, Wales and lowland Scotland along with an historical background to each kingdom.

A character generation system will add colour to your campaign as your Nobles assume their own personalities. The terrain and scenario generator allows games to be set up quickly and to result in an almost infinite variety of games to keep you challenged and enjoying the action. The tabletop rules provide for a fast play system with a fun and exciting narrative as your Nobles lead their men into battle. The unique three phase battle system and force morale mechanism allows you to fight your battles with a minimum of preparation and tie those results into the campaign system for a really exciting and fun gaming experience. 

 Several detalied and lavishly illustrated after action reports through the testing phase can be found at the Lard Island and Sidney Roundwood's blogs respectively.

Although based in Dark-Age Britain (a remote and far away place and time from here...), I´ll be a buyer of the rules set given my strong attraction for Arthurian mithology, since I was literally a child (I wonder if it may  have to be with the fact that my first-ever visit to a cinema  was to watch Disney's "The Sword in the Stone" when I was a seven years-old boy)

I would also be looking to test the potential to adapt it to the highly convulse and violent, but at the same time fascinating, final phase of the Roman Empire in the Iberian Peninsula: a region criss-crossed by conbflicts between different barbarian people (Vandals, Visigioths, Alans...), local hispano-Roman armies, Byzantines and even North-African moors in the late 7th century.

Great addition to the TooFatlardies ever expanding range of periods covered by their ruyles sets and hopefully as good and enjoyable as the most recent WWII I Ain't Been Shot Mum or the Vitenam-era Charlie Don't Surf


  1. ¡Muy interesante! Ya comentarás cuando recibas el reglamento.

  2. Ya lo tengo pre-ordenado; a ver que tal está.
