
Sunday, 23 September 2012

Charlie Don't Surf Gaming Materials

As will TooFatLardies sets, to play Charlie Don't Surf you will need to main gaming means: a set of blinds and card deck. I present here our home made materials that you can download as a free pdf just clicking on the right hand column of this blog in the "RESOUCES SECTION" are. True you will need to invest sometime in printing, cutting and working out the cards but at least I will have provided you with 50% of the task done for free.

 In the first illustration above, you have a sample of the card sheets (designed by my club mate Juanjo). I have also designed a back illustration...

   .... and putting both sides together inside plastic card sleeves, you will have a nice and well protected card deck ready to be used with your forces. The sheets were made in Microsoft Powerpoint using a soimpel template.

This is an illustration of the Free World Forces and NVA/Vietcong blinds

In to order to protect and to give them a harder consistency, I laminated these sheets in my local printing shop. But if you want a cheaper option, try printing in photo quality paper or gluing it to hardboard.

I hope you like these designs.


  1. Good idea, laminating the cards.

  2. Ray, thanks, "laminating" is the right word!!!!. I could not remember the expression when I was writing the post and used some spanglish instead

  3. Thanks for sharing this. Noticed you have it for IABSM and M&B as well. Bought a laminator months ago but I never took the time to create decks. Have to do it soon because it adds to the game I think (we just use regular cards). It's the only thing I not look forward to when playing a TFL game; making the decks just before we start..
    And thanks for your comment on my blog last week. Well appriciated.

    1. My pleasure both, to share my materials with fellow gamers across the world and to follow your excellent blog. I think we met briefly in Salute this year, I noticed you were in the photos taken with the Rejects

  4. Yes, we briefly met last year. Just before you had to bring your bottle of wine to Richard in the pub..Maybe we meet again next year?

    1. It is sitll this year (April 2012!!!!
      No I don't think I will be attending Salute in 2013... unless I win a good lottery ticket of course
