
Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Another Ooooh Shiny! Moment

A few days ago, fellow Spanish blogger Juan Mancheño (a blog really worth visiting, and written in both English and Spanish)  and aficionado (like me) to the Vietnam period sent me an email announcing that Force of Arms was going out of business*. This was really bad news, as I was expecting to order some additional Vietnam models for Christmas, specifically the M 113 Command and Mortar versions. Luckily, he also mentioned that The Wargames Command Post  distributes FOA models too, so I decided to strecht my budget a little bit more this year and quickly ordered a Ford Mutt I was looking to buy for my command group and a Command Post set.

Less than a week after, it hit my (snail)mailbox this afternoon

The CP group has 6 figures, an officer (pointing) a couple of NCOs aremed with M16 rifles, two radiomen and a strange model of a bareheaded man kneeling (an officer observing? a FAO or a FAC?). All my US Army figures until now are from The Assault Group. These are smaller and less "chunky" but I think that once on the table the difference will probably go unnoticed

The Ford Mutt is a resin+metal based vehicle, with  very few pieces and the construction seems to be relatively straight forward;  it comes with a driver but no extras (ammo boxes, rucksacs, etc;  not even the driver's M16). I'll look into my spare-parts box to give it some character.

I did not go for the more expensive items this time as my I'm already overunning my hobby budget for this year after visiting Salute, and I want to keep some discipline in these tough economic times; I hope that some of the M 113 models will still be available by Christmas.

A good couple of reinforcements for my Vietnam armies and overall very satisfied with the service of TWCP, which I can truly recommend as a reliable and fast delivery supplier.

* After Juan's email, one of my club mates came with a different version about the demise of FOA. Right now it is not clear whether they are really out of business, it is just a problem of their website being down or the owner has temporarely retired for personal issues.

1 comment:

  1. Me alegro mucho de que TWCP ofrezca un servicio tan rápido, pues yo tambien tengo algunas cosillas que pedir. Ha servido para algo mi momento de "histeria"... al leer por ahí que John Bruce dejaba el negocio en suspenso por un tiempo. Sí puedo confirmar que tiene un problema con su web, cosa que él me ha hecho saber al avisarme de que me ha enviado un pedido que tenía pendiente.
    Con suerte, podremos seguir pidiéndole cositas...
