
Sunday, 20 January 2013

Vietnam Ford Mutt and Update

As you know from the previous post, our family life made a nasty turn last Christmas, disrupting our normal routine and curtailing my time (and appetite) for wargaming activities. Not that the situation is now solved (the doctors remain cautious about my father in law illness) but we are slowly adapting our lives at home to the new environment.

No wargames, no visits to the club since mid December, but I fianlly took my brushes and paintings out of the cupboard and worked in short periods this Ford Mutt from Force of Arms (a part of my Christmas hoard this year).  It is small resin piece and comes with the driver but nothing else. I have added one seated soldier form the US APC Riders set, a cover for the windscreen (made with kitchen foil painted) and some pieces of personal equipment (rucksacs, blanket rolls, automatic rifle...). I also plan to work on a base for the vehicle in the future.

 Finally, I'm also investing some time in reading history books dealing with Dark Age England and Continetal Europe for my Dux project. I'll hopefully be posting more frequently over the next weeks.


  1. Greate looking model and paint job !

    Best regards Michael

  2. Está genial, un trabajo muy fino. Espero que pronto puedas reasumir el "ritmo", con todo solucionado.

    Un saludo.

  3. Superb! Great job on this lovely looking model.

  4. Happy to hear your family situation is a bit improved; enough for you to take up your brushes again. And, my what a lovely project. Full of details and animation. Best, Dean

  5. FoA makes some very nice models. Well done, looks great

  6. Me encanta tu pequeño Ford Mutt, enhorabuena! ;-)
