
Saturday, 16 May 2015

Painting British Modern Infantry - Progress Report

Usual readers of this blog know that I have recently embarked in a new painting project ahead opf the publication of the incoming TooFatLardies modern warfare rules "Fighting Season"·. Once I overcame the initial panic, I found a reasonable palette of colours to paint the new British Army MPT ammo and now I can show the first finished minis.

Photo 1: Command group 
(radioman, light mortar, senior leader, assisstant senior leader)

Photo 2: Infantry Section

The Photo 1 is The Assault Group modern British range while the minis in photo 2 are from Empress. Both brands are fully compatibale although there are some differences in the uniform (specially helmets).

I have another batch to paint on my table including a medic, a mine detector operator, a LMG and a couple of Minimis to provide more beef to the sections.


  1. These look very nice. Any chance of being able to click on the image to see a larger version?

    1. Thanks for allowing a larger image to be viewed. Cracking work!

  2. Very nice painting work. With the new MULTICAM this is increasingly difficult to paint these uniforms!

  3. Super work, Benito. And I agree.... very tricky, and completely excusable initial panic. But you're well past that, and these look great!

  4. Well done! The camo looks great.

  5. Modern came makes my hands sweat but you've done a wonderful job on these Benito - bravo!

  6. If you get to painting U.S.M.C let me know and I can send you pictures of my kit.

    1. Thanks for the offer
      Not in my short term plans but who knows... you know how us waragmers are
