
Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Painting Challenge Report #8

A milestone achieved in my Saga project, as last week I finished the last two units of guards for my Dark Ages warband


Guards units have 4 men, representing 1 point  in terms of the Saga point system. Together with the previously painted models, I have now a total of 6 points (1 levy. 2 warriors, 2 guards and the warband leader)  to deploy a warband on the table. 


Given the generic design of most of these models, they can be used for any army list between the period of the Late Roman Empire to the beginning of the first Millenium. So any list with the terms "Anglo", "Saxon", Danish", even Vikings can be used with the mdels al ready painted.

My plan now is to start painting some cavalry units which a re featured in many of the Age of Invasion lists like the different "Goths" (Otrogoths, Visigoths,etc), Franks and other horse mounted peoples beyond the Rhine and the Danube rivers.

As of today, my total points score on the Challenge has reached  482 points or 69% of my 700 points target.

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