
Tuesday, 21 June 2011

More Posters

In a previous post  at the end of May, I commented about a nice little shop in Madrid specialised in old prints and  comics posters. At my last birthday (early May) I really couldn't think about birthday presents suggestions to anyone in my family (they rejected  to reinforce any of my little armies: "no más soldaditos, por favor" you could hear them saying). 

So this morning I went shopping and acquired a large-format (50 x 70 cm) print of Tintin's "Landing on the Moon" album (see above) and a smaller (30 x 30 cm) frame from the "Blue Lotus" album.

The shop owner was kind enough as to make a small discount on my custom today, that I quickly reinvested in a new addition to my Tintin minis collection: Rackham The Red.

As you see in the picture above, he's been given a very warm (and noisy!!) welcome by La Castafiore (aka The nightingale of Milano) to the amusement of one of the Du Pont twins (...dressed for an undercover mission). The Rackham figure is a rare species to find, so I was twofold happy today. If you are not familiar with the Tintin's characters universe, you have a good handy guide here  in English.

The prints will hang in my office+painting room at home

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