Wednesday, 22 August 2012

M113 ACAV Model

A short stop at Madrid (due to school pre-return logistics) is a good opportunity to show the progress in some of my holiday plans. I finished a second M 113 (the ACAV model) and I'm quite pleased  with the results. Using some contemporary photos as inspiration, I decided to name it "Peace Maker"

And also some US infantry (figures from The Assault Group) to ride in my new steel beasts... well as additional Vietnamese peasants and civilians to receive protection from the Free World Forces (figures from West Wind)

I'm now working in my Dux Britanniarum British-Romano Army, that I hope to have almost completed by the time I'm back in Madrid after holidays.


  1. The stowage on the APC looks great! How'd you do the coils of barbed wire?

    1. I bought sometime ago wire from the Wargames Command Post for my WWI barbed wire sections and had some surplus. Sacarab Miniatures also sells this wire

    2. Ah, thanks.

  2. Muy chulo. El conejo le queda de PM

  3. Gracias. Es de los sobrantes de una antigua maqueta de Tamiya... con más de 30 años!

  4. Very very nice, B. The Playboy bunny on the front is sheer brilliance! Looking forward to seeing how it does in action.

  5. Thanks MP. If you need a hand to fight the forces of Evil, let me know. :-)

  6. Ab Fabulous! I agree with the Mad Padre, the Playboy Bunny is an excellent touch (have to remember that one). Beautiful work.

  7. Some great work, love the Playboy bunny symbol!

  8. Thanks for the comments. I haven't been successful looking for Vietnam era transfers, no doy seems to produce them apparently. The bunny comes from an old (30-year!) Tamiya 1/35 scale kit

    1. ¿No encuentras calcas para Vietnam? Pues yo casi estoy seguro de que Verlinden tiene algunas. Eso sí, en 1/35, pero pueden valer.

  9. Emilio, muchas gracias! He estado mirando com o loco en todas las webs de 28mm ¿Como no se me ha ocurrido antes? Y mira que tengo material gráfico de verlinden a patadas en casa.

    1. De nada.
      No se si actualmente tienen ese material, pero hace años (muchos) Verlinden tenía muchas cosas sobre Vietnam.

  10. Very nice!! I hope it brings peace on the game table!!

  11. Thanks, although it is more likely to bringing mayhen than peace :-)

  12. Hi, sorry for my bad English but I'm from Italy so i may make some mistakes.. so I saw your great work and I enjoyed it very much, but I had a question: are the figures you used compatible with 1:72 scale or are they too big? 2,8mm is around 1,9m in 1:1 scale, am I wrong? Is the difference to high in your opinion?
    Let me know, thanks

  13. Marco, 28 mm is between 1:60 and 1:56. Too big (and bulky) for use with 1:72 models.
