Extended looong weekened in Madrid thanks to the Labour Day holiday (Wednesday) and the Madrid region's festive day today; but littlewargaming activity for me on the wargaming front as I've been busy with some presentations to a client on Monday and studying for my MBA classes.
However, I got an email a few weeks ago from Steve Dix, fellow British Lardite fan and blogger (if you are not a follower of his
Norseygamer blog, now it's your chance!). He is on a 10 day tour visiting Spain, Portugal and southern France visiting the most relevant battlefields of the Napoleonic Peninsular Campaign and yesterday he was stopping at Madrid at night on his way to
Talavera and (I think)
Unfortunately the hotel was not exactly in central Madrid and I could not offer him a good tapas reception, but nonetheless I drove to his lodging yesterday evening and could share with him some beers and "Tempranillo" wine. Although we only met briefly at Salute last year, it was as we have been friends for a long time; we spent a very good evening talking about the hobby, history and many Lard-related topics before returning home.
Two Lardites and Bloggers in Madrid |
It's really amazing to see the union of Lardites across (literally!) the world in this unexpected brotherhood. . By sharing a common interest on anything Lard-related in the
Yahoo TFL Group, and the help of Richard Clarke, very strong bonds beyond the pure hobby-related dimension are being created, among people that have not met before but which we have been in communication for several years now.
I'm more that sure that when traveling abroad I'd be able to sit and share some drinks and friendly conversation (or even a game if enough time available!) the same way that Steve and I did yesterday.