Friday, 8 April 2011

WW I Russian vs Turks

Last weekend some of my pals played a WWI game featuring Turks vs Russians using Mud & Blood. I'm sorry I have no details about the scenario  or special rules used (I did not play myself) but I have received a pack of photos for you to enjoy.



  1. Really nice figures and scenery, always like a bit of eye candy.

  2. Very nice photo's, the figures and terrain are beautiful. I love the big tree in the 3rd and 4th photo's.

  3. Thanks. Who makes the building?

  4. @Angry Lurker and Y¡Ray: If you have followed the recent posts, you know that we have made a little investment with a scenery Spanish company called "En Cobertura" that it's doing a really good job. Visit the website, it's really worthy:

    @Anonymus: I'll find for you, they belong to one of my club mates

  5. @Anonymus: the bulding are made for railroad layouts in O scale and the manufacturer is Plasticville
